South and Southeast Asian Community-based Trials Network MORU
Progress updates

COVID-19 update

Daily case numbers of COVID-19 have been increasing in Laos, with the majority diagnosed in workers in the south returning from neighbouring countries.

Daily case numbers of COVID-19 have been increasing in Laos, with the majority diagnosed in workers in the south returning from neighbouring countries. The total on 19 July was 3,187, with 4 deaths recorded. The major concern is that the delta variant will take hold causing numbers to sky-rocket. There are more than 6000 people in quarantine centres and lockdown measures have been extended until 3 August. LOMWRU continues some field studies: LAMPA, acute respiratory virus surveillance and Spot Sepsis, and is preparing cautiously for SEACTN and ACORN2.

– Liz Ashley.


The works on the new office building have been completed and we’ll be ready to work there regularly as soon as it will be safe to do so. We are also very happy to join the SEACTN network and have been busy preparing all necessary documents to get the projects approved.