South and Southeast Asian Community-based Trials Network MORU
Progress updates

Antibody profiles for determining seroincidence

Following IRB approval, we started collecting dry blood spots in the cause of fever SEACTN-WPB study we are carrying out in Mae Chan and Mae Suai hospitals. The results will help estimate the incidence of febrile illnesses in South and Southeast Asia, a project led by Kristen Aiemjoy. On 20 July, Krista Vaidya, who will carry out a seroincidence project with Kristen in Nepal, visited Mae Chan hospital to see how procedures are being carried out. Thank you, Krista, for the visit and for the many precious tips! Pictured, Benjamas Nuangkanta performs a finger prick to collect blood spots from a SEACTN WPB patients, behind her Nidanuch (Pui) Tasak (left) and Krista Vaidya (right), assist in the procedure. 

– Text and photo courtesy of Carlo Perrone.