South and Southeast Asian Community-based Trials Network MORU
Progress updates

SEACTN and CAM-VMW studies launch in Pailin and Battambang provinces, western Cambodia

On 12 Nov, MORU’s Dr Rupam Tripura and Dr Bipin Adhikari, with local NGO director Dr Vanna Moul, introduced our new community-based studies to the provincial authorities. The studies, Village Malaria Worker Expansion (CAM-VMW) and Incidences, Causes, and Outcomes of Febrile Illness in Rural South and Southeast Asia (SEACTN-WP-A), will evaluate expanded roles and new diagnostics for village malaria workers, and also explore the main causes of illness in rural communities. The projects will run in parallel during 2022-23 in approximately 90 villages and the research will be done in partnership with MORU’s long-term collaborators Dr Lek Dysoley, Dr Chan Davoueng and Dr Yok Sovann.

– Thank you, Tom Peto for text and Rupam Tripura for photo.