On 2 and 3 May, the Provincial Health Department in Battambang, Cambodia, hosted a “Train the Trainer” workshop in collaboration with Mahidol Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit (MORU) and Action for Health Development (AHEAD) to prepare for the upcoming launch of the Electronic clinical Decision support for Acute fever Management (EDAM) study.
The EDAM study is a cluster-randomised clinical trial that will evaluate the impact of an electronic clinical decision support algorithm (eCDSA) – incorporating pulse oximetry and a rapid C-reactive protein (CRP) test – on antibiotic prescribing rates in primary care. The EDAM algorithm is housed within a user-friendly app and has been co-created with local clinicians. Thirty healthcare centres across three districts will be randomised into the intervention or control arm.
During the workshop on 2 and 3 May, the EDAM study protocol and procedures were presented to senior members of the Provincial Health Department (PHD) and Operation District (OD) Directors, after which a fruitful discussion followed to ensure the optimal planning of the study for the local context in Battambang. Workshop participants also had the chance to test the EDAM app, the structure and content of which has been honed over the past 5 months by Dr Marco Liverani with input from both MORU clinical researchers and Cambodian doctors. Despite 42-degree heat and intermittent air-conditioning, all participants were very engaged and provided invaluable suggestions for improving the study!
The MORU-AHEAD team in Cambodia will continue to work closely with PHD and the OD Directors to plan the main training session on 16 and 17 May 2024 for 90 healthcare workers who will carry out EDAM study procedures. We expect the first participant to be enrolled in the study on 20 May 2024.

From left to right: Mr. Kem Sovann (MORU), Mr. Thy Vanda (MORU), Mr. Thaung Pouthy (OD Director Moung Russei), Dr. Chan Davoeung (Deputy Director PHD), Dr. Yos Pov (OD Director Battambang), Dr. Saint Chinhan (OD Director Thmarkoul), Dr. Abhijit Mishra (research physician MORU), Dr. Bunreth Voeurng (Director PHD), Mr. Phal Chanpheakdey (MORU), Dr. Moul Vanna (Executive Director AHEAD), Dr. Ou Simvieng (MORU), Dr. Elke Wynberg (clinical researcher MORU), Ms. Thai Houlann (MORU), Mrs. Lim Vanthy (MORU), Mrs. Sothearoth (PHD).