South and Southeast Asian Community-based Trials Network MORU
Progress updates

Impressive start to SEACTN recruitment in Bangladesh

From 29 Oct to 2 Nov, the South and Southeast Asia Community-based Trials Network (SEACTN) team was finally able to visit some of its study sites in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh to witness all the wonderful progress our Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC] collaborators have made in running the project. BRAC have already recruited over 6,500 patients into SEACTN WP-A across 130 villages (with total WP-A recruitment now exceeding 32,000 patients!). The team also visited the Bangladesh Institute of Tropical Infectious Diseases (BITID) to enlist their support for SEACTN and discuss future collaborations with MORU. Pictured: MORU and BRAC team members visiting a primary health centre in Chakaria, Bangladesh.

Funded by the Wellcome Trust, SEACTN aims to better understand the epidemiology and burden of febrile illness in rural areas in five countries of South and Southeast Asia by developing a framework to collect information about the burden and impact of febrile illness. 

– Text and photo courtesy of Yoel Lubell.