South and Southeast Asian Community-based Trials Network MORU
Progress updates

Chiangrai SEACTN team visits SMRU

From DATES, to exchange experiences and learn from the colleagues in Mae Sot, a delegation from the CCRU SEACTN team visited study sites managed by SMRU as part of the rural febrile illness project of the South and Southeast Asia Community Trials Network (SEACTN). We visited Mae Ramat hospital, Mae Tao clinic and Mawker Tai clinic. Due to the unstable situation on the border, it was not safe to visit malaria posts, but we got very close to the border! Pictured: Community advisory board interview at Hai Moo’s house, from left: Nattida Toonin, Nipaphan Kanthawang, Carlo Perrone, Hai Moo and Primpraporn Thongdee.

– With thanks to Carlo Perrone for all text and photos