South and Southeast Asian Community-based Trials Network MORU
Progress updates

SEACTN recruitment tops 20,000!

Congratulations are in order as our amazing SEACTN-Work package A team, from left, Souksavanh Simanivong (logistician), Dr Aitlada Soulivong, Dr Khambang Seevanhthong and site coordinator Dr Xaipasong Xaiyaphet and the Savannakhet provincial and District health staff led by Dr Tiengkham Pongvongsa (not pictured), enrolled more than their target of 20,000 consultations in health centres in Atsaphangthong, Phalanxay and Phin by end Feb. This is a massive achievement and the Laos site is the first to reach its target. Taking place in Bangladesh, Thailand, Myanmar and Cambodia and Laos, SEACTN (Southeast Asia Community Trials Network) aims to improve the management of febrile illness in rural areas. There are other work packages such as WP-B studying patients presenting to Savannakhet Provincial Hospital with febrile illness, and a verbal autopsy sub-study. Dr Koukeo Phommasone, Deputy Head of Mahosot Hospital Microbiology and Clinician Scientist, manages the Lao SEACTN programme of research, and Prof Yoel Lubell, based in MORU, Bangkok, is overall SEACTN PI.  

– Thank you, Liz Ashley, for text and Dr Xaipasong Xaiyaphet for photo.