South and Southeast Asian Community-based Trials Network MORU
Progress updates

SEACTN Bangkok meeting discusses next phase funding

After a hiatus of two years due to the pandemic, MORU hosted on 20-21 Oct an in-person meeting of South and Southeast Asia Community-based Trials Network (SEACTN) investigators and collaborators (some joining online) from all study sites. Investigators and collaborators from Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Bangladesh, Canada, and the USA met at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases in Bangkok to provide updates on progress, and discuss opportunities, challenges and future projects, and exchange ideas on moving the network forward as it looks toward seeking funding for the next phase commencing in 2024. The two days of brainstorming and networking proved very fruitful, resulting in several novel research ideas on how to leverage and use the infrastructure provided by the network. SEACTN seeks to understand the burden of febrile illness in rural areas in the tropics. Full results are expected in 2024.

– With thanks to Chris Chew for story and image.