South and Southeast Asian Community-based Trials Network MORU
Progress updates

SEACTN visits SMRU sites

Pictured, at the Mae Tao Clinic, from left: Widi (Research Officer, SMRU), Yoel Lubell, MaeTao clinic deputy Director Naw Sophia, Dr Aung Pyae Phyo (Site co-Investigator), Hanhah Kozlowski (MD/PhD student), Carlo Perrone (CCRU), Dr Chris Chew, A/Prof Shaun Morris (University of Toronto), Mae Tao Clinic Director Dr Cynthia Maung, Saw Than Lwin (Co-ordinator MaeTao clinic), Dr Ladaporn (CTSG), Watcharintorn (SEACTN Diagnostic coordinator), Jindaporn (Research Assistant SMRU), and Chonticha (Data Manager, CTSG)

Led by PI Prof Yoel Lubell, on 30 May-1 June the SEACTN (South and Southeast Asian Community-based Trials Network) team visited Mae Tao clinic, Mae Kwer Thai clinic, and MaeRaMart hospital, the SMRU recruitment sites for SEACTN work package B. SEACTN aims to strengthen primary health care for management of febrile illness at health centre level.

– Thank you, Aung Pyae Phyo, for text and Ladda Kajeechiwa for photo.