South and Southeast Asian Community-based Trials Network MORU
Progress updates

Malaria team back in the field!

A team from MORU — Arjun Chandna, Tom Peto, and Rupam Tripura (1st, 2nd and 4th from left, respectively), with support from Bipin Adhikari and James Callery — conducted a workshop on the Chembio multiplex Dual Pathogen Panel with Action for Health and Development (AHEAD), an NGO led by Dr Vanna Moul and Mr Sam Ol.

This is part of the RAI3E and SEACTN projects in Battambang and Pailin, western Cambodia. During May and June, Dr Jacklyn Adella, a University of Oxford MSc student, will lead workshops and focus group discussions at 9 health centres to assess the feasibility and acceptability of deploying new diagnostics to improve the management of febrile illnesses, and this work will also include assessing dengue rapid diagnostics and malaria-CRP combo tests. The team are finally starting to get back into the field after a long COVID-19 induced gap, and it’s been great!

 –  Thank you, Tom Peto, for text and photo.